Here are 10 things I make sure I do to stay in Shape Year Round
How many of these are still relevant today?
Always Have Something Green On My Plate
No matter what I've eaten or what time of day it is, I've made sure there is something green at every main meal.
This is a great way of ensuring that you are getting plenty of guilt free goodness and staying on top of your 5-a-day.
Fill Up On Vegetables.
Guilt free eating!
All the essential phytonutrients play an important role in your body and will give you the best fat loss results as well as improve your health. Just track the starchy veg though, such as potatoes and make sure you're not overdoing the calories.
Drink 1 litre of Water per 25kg of Body Weight Every Day.
When you think of your body, think of a car. Unless you put the correct fuel in the tank and keep it well oiled, it will stop running smoothly and eventually break down. Water is what the body needs in order to keep it working properly.
Don’t Be Afraid of Fat.
Healthy fats are good for you and extremely important for a healthy, balanced diet. I feel energised, satisfied and alert by having protein and fats each morning.
Eggs, Avocado, Salmon, Steak and nuts are all foods I like to rotate for breakfast
Utilise Carbs Optimally
I like to eat the majority of my higher GI carbs in and around my workouts and try to utilise 50% of my daily carbs in the pre and post workout meals. When I'm very lean I'll also take on carbs intra workout.
Be Prepared.
If you have a number of business meetings, birthday parties or you’re travelling, then you need to be prepared. A small treat or cheat meal will soon become something regular so plan ahead of schedule. Be honest and realistic with yourself and make the best choices possible if you're presented with something unforeseen. Be social, eat, enjoy your food when the times right ...then get straight back to your healthy habits
Keep Moving.
Aim to keep a consistent step count of 10,000 plus per day. This consistent movement will burn more calories and cause more of an energy deficit which will assist fat loss.
Track Progress With a Body Composition Assessment
I measure every week to stay accountable. I don't care about what the body fat says or muscle mass on a week to week basis either it's all about recognising if things are starting to slip right away.
Cut Out MOST Processed Foods.
Processed food is normally high in sugar and calories. When you're trying to maintain a lean physique foods that are lower calories and nutrient rich are better options. I make sure these foods make up the majority of my diet.
Sleep Yourself to the Body of Your Dreams.
A bad night often leads to a bad day. Getting a good night’s sleep is vitally important when it comes to keeping you healthy and energised.
Not only do you risk raising your cortisol, but sleep loss leads to increased levels of hunger and over time, will lead to enhanced cravings and you’ll find adherence to the plan harder to stick too.
Sleep is just as important as exercise... so get some zzzz’s.
So I do my best to get at least 7 hours each night.
Need help with getting in shapeHere are 10 things I make sure I do to stay in Shape Year Round
How many of these are still relevant today?
Always Have Something Green On My Plate
No matter what I've eaten or what time of day it is, I've made sure there is something green at every main meal.
This is a great way of ensuring that you are getting plenty of guilt free goodness and staying on top of your 5-a-day.
Fill Up On Vegetables.
Guilt free eating!
All the essential phytonutrients play an important role in your body and will give you the best fat loss results as well as improve your health. Just track the starchy veg though, such as potatoes and make sure you're not overdoing the calories.
Drink 1 litre of Water per 25kg of Body Weight Every Day.
When you think of your body, think of a car. Unless you put the correct fuel in the tank and keep it well oiled, it will stop running smoothly and eventually break down. Water is what the body needs in order to keep it working properly.
Don’t Be Afraid of Fat.
Healthy fats are good for you and extremely important for a healthy, balanced diet. I feel energised, satisfied and alert by having protein and fats each morning.
Eggs, Avocado, Salmon, Steak and nuts are all foods I like to rotate for breakfast
Utilise Carbs Optimally
I like to eat the majority of my higher GI carbs in and around my workouts and try to utilise 50% of my daily carbs in the pre and post workout meals. When I'm very lean I'll also take on carbs intra workout.
Be Prepared.
If you have a number of business meetings, birthday parties or you’re travelling, then you need to be prepared. A small treat or cheat meal will soon become something regular so plan ahead of schedule. Be honest and realistic with yourself and make the best choices possible if you're presented with something unforeseen. Be social, eat, enjoy your food when the times right ...then get straight back to your healthy habits
Keep Moving.
Aim to keep a consistent step count of 10,000 plus per day. This consistent movement will burn more calories and cause more of an energy deficit which will assist fat loss.
Track Progress With a Body Composition Assessment
I measure every week to stay accountable. I don't care about what the body fat says or muscle mass on a week to week basis either it's all about recognising if things are starting to slip right away.
Cut Out MOST Processed Foods.
Processed food is normally high in sugar and calories. When you're trying to maintain a lean physique foods that are lower calories and nutrient rich are better options. I make sure these foods make up the majority of my diet.
Sleep Yourself to the Body of Your Dreams.
A bad night often leads to a bad day. Getting a good night’s sleep is vitally important when it comes to keeping you healthy and energised.
Not only do you risk raising your cortisol, but sleep loss leads to increased levels of hunger and over time, will lead to enhanced cravings and you’ll find adherence to the plan harder to stick too.
Sleep is just as important as exercise... so get some zzzz’s.
So I do my best to get at least 7 hours each night.
Need help with getting in shape contact me on 07929593598