I get asked lots by clients about Program design. this can be tricky, what works for some might not work for others,as we are all different. When you start working out you learn how your body responds to different methods of training. The first thing you need to establish is what you are looking to achieve out of training, I.E what is your goal?. Once you have this you can break down your program in the following segments to make sure you aren’t just wasting your time with your workouts. 1. REP RANGE Rep ranges along with weight loads are critical when it comes to meeting your goal. There are essentially four main weight training goals. Power, strength, hypertrophy (build muscle), and muscular endurance. Once you establish what your goal is you should then adapt your training to train in that range. Yes, there can be some overlap in multiple areas however if your main goal is hypertrophy or power you shouldn’t be doing rep ranges in the muscular endurance range. Goal Rep Range Power 1-5 Strength 1-6 Hypertrophy 6-12 Endurance 12-20+ 2. REST TIMES This can often be over looked in a program; rest times are just as critical to your goals as the rep ranges. The body operates on energy systems. Phosphagen, Glycolytic, and Oxidative. Each of these has a recovery period. Strength and power, and hypertrophy rely more on Phosphagen and Glycolytic systems, while the hypertrophy and endurance rely more on the oxidative system. Goal Rest time Power 2-5 min Strength 2-5 min Hypertrophy 60-90 seconds Endurance 30 or less seconds 3. FREQUENCY Training frequency is how many times you are going to train in a week or given period. Ideally with training for strength or power you’ll train less frequently than you would with hypertrophy and muscular endurance. Ideally power/strength you’ll train anywhere from 4-5 days, given that its more taxing on the body you’ll need extra time off to recover than you would with muscular hypertrophy and endurance. Training for hypertrophy and endurance you’ll train more often such as 5-6 times a week. This is less taxing on the body and you’re able to recover much faster. 4. WEIGHT LOADS Weight loads are probably the most important factor outside the rep ranges. If you aren’t training at the right percentage of your one rep max (1RM) then you will not achieve the adaptation. Goal % of 1RM Power 75-90% Strength 85-100% Hypertrophy 67-85% Endurance <67% 5. EXERCISE SELECTION Exercise selection isn’t going to be really different, however the rep ranges, rest times, and weight loads will of course vary. For example, you will still have some hypotrophy work in a strength-focused program. Normally you would start with a strength movement such as a bench press, squat, overhead press, or a deadlift as your main lift of the day in the rep range of 2-5 reps at 85-100% of 1RM. After that movement, you would perform accessory work to help boost the main lift in the hypertrophy range of 8-12 reps at 67-85% of 1RM. The big take away from your program is you need to make sure its main focus meets your goals. If you’re trying to build strength and all of the exercises are short rest periods and high repetitions then you need to reevaluate your program and find a new one. However, keep in mind that a great program will include some or all of the above in the program as the body is made to do all of these systems, rep ranges, and weight loads. Let this be a guide to ensure you’re getting the most out of your program and not wasting time in the gym not meeting your goals! Hope this helps explain , If not do not hesistate to contact me , as I would delighted to help you with all your fitness goals.
